Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thursday, June 18

I'm having a great week except for that my little boy was sick yesterday. He called from the summer program that he goes to on Tuesday afternoon saying he wasn't feeling well. Luckily, my Dad had stopped by my work and offered to go pick him up and keep him for the afternoon!
He still wasn't feeling well on Wednesday and so I missed our nutrition class, which is a bummer, but priorities, ya know?!

It's amazing how one little thing like your kid not feeling so hot can make everything more complicated. But, I have managed to stay on track with my food and my exercise so I am proud of that.

My friend Crystal and I made a pact to not weigh until next Monday and it's so hard! I'm terrible about getting on the scale every morning. So, I put the scale under the bathroom sink and even though I've been tempted to get it out every morning, I haven't done it!


Janet said...

Brooke - I know how hard it can be to be a mom and try to keep a schedule for yourself of the things you want to do. But you're doing great! And just remember - the better you feel then the better mom you'll be for Carson. So be flexible but remember to take the time you need for yourself. I love reading your stuff! Janet

Michelle said...

Brooke - good for you staying the course. That is why this is a life style change. Bumps in life are the norm and as we learn to handle the bumps without diverting from healthy choices and our exercise. Proud of you!